A Parish Council is a body of practicing Orthodox Christians sacramentally in good standing with the Church, elected by the members of a parish for the purpose of working together with the priest in fulfilling the goals and needs of that parish.
The mission of the parish as defined in the Uniform Parish Regulations – and therefore the mission of the Parish Council – is “… to keep, practice and proclaim the Orthodox Christian Faith pure and undefiled.”
Parishioners are often nominated as candidates for the Parish Council because of their education, business experience or legal background. The best parish council members are not necessarily those who are business-oriented, but rather, those who are Church-oriented and Christ-centered. To be a good council member, one must be active in the worship and sacramental life of the Church. The best candidates are easy to find – they are in church.
The Priest is head of the Parish, and is charged with the guidance of the total Parish program. The parish council consists of the Priest, and the elected lay members, and is referred to as a board only when so required by local statute. In internal matters of the Church, we always use the designation of Parish Council . This is because one of the identifying traits of the Orthodox Church is that we are conciliar – decisions are made in council.
The duties of a parish council member ( UPR Ch 2, Article XII ) include regular attendance at divine services and participation in the sacramental life of the Church, “…thereby setting an example for the parish.” To set an example for the parish will require that we overcome the stereotype of the parish council member who is rarely seen in church.
In the Oath of Office, the parish council members affirm that they “…will fulfill faithfully and sincerely, the duties and obligations required of a member of the Parish Council….” No contract is signed, but a promise is made which rests on the shared commitment of all council members to serve the Church, which is the Body of Christ on earth. We are His hands, feet, eyes and more. To serve on the council is a ministry and a mission. We are called to use the gifts with which we have been blessed to carry out the work of the Church.
For more details, please see the Parish Council Guide.